28 July, 2011

Strangest Foods in the World

Take a step back from the familiar and take a look at some of the world’s strangest foods… today, catered especially from Asia. The first is the world’s most expensive coffee. Why not sit back and enjoy a cup? That’s right, isn’t that aroma just fantastic? But why, you ask, is this one of the weird delicacies of the world? Well, my friend… because it came out of an animal’s behind.

That’s right! Kopi Lawuk from Indonesia is harvested from the Asian Palm Civet’s feces, after it is partially digested, of course. The beans of coffee berries are first eaten by this “Toddy Cat” and then passed through its digestive tract. The beans come out retaining their shape and are then gathered, thoroughly washed, sun dried, roasted lightly and brewed. The coffee produced is aromatic, with much less bitterness.

Second, Balut in the Phillipines is almost as popular as hot dogs in America. Most likely sold by street vendors, Balut is said to boost the libido and is a hearty snack full of protein. It tastes like chicken because well… it is chicken. Or well, it could have been.

Balut are fertilized eggs boiled just before they’re due to hatch. They are cooked when the fetus is between 17 to 21 days, to your preference, apparently. You can have a chicken or duck egg.

Finally, Fried Tarantulas from Cambodia! Please, these are not for the weak at heart. These large arachnids are fried whole – legs, fangs, all. Tourists are surprisingly quite eager to get a taste of this Cambodian delicacy and it is a source of fame and fortune. Apparently, it tastes like crickets or scrawny chickens. Crispy on the outside with a gooey body on the inside!

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