12 July, 2011

Journey of 3D Glasses: How they lost weight and became lightweight

3D content and 3D glasses both are working always as a complement for each other from starting of 3D content to till now; both are slightly useless without each other, since there is no any satisfactory technology which can give exact 3D images without 3D glasses. So, 3D glasses always have their own significance in the 3D world.

Old 3D glasses

A Few decades back when 3D content was available mostly in static states as graphics, paintings and images etc. In those days normal Anaglyph 3-D Glasses were used for viewing 3-D Comics, Printing and Art etc. The technology of 3D glasses was also simple- In a pair of eyeglasses two filters were used of different colors Red and Cyan. The red lens over the left eye allows only the red part of the anaglyph image through to that eye, while the cyan (blue/green) lens over the right eye allows only the blue and green parts of the image through to that eye. Portions of the image that are red will appear dark through the cyan filter, while portions of colors composed only of green and blue will appear dark through the red filter. Each eye therefore sees only the perspective it is supposed to see. And all the arrangement produces simultaneously 3D content simply.

Decades have passed but the craze of this Anaglyph 3-D Glasses can be seen in watching the 3D content on internet, art galleries, comics, videos etc.

Now days, 3D technology is on its peak, the digital technology of 3D world has changed the shape and scenario of 3D glasses. The present 3D glasses are so technically advanced and produce amazingly 3D content which seems completely alive.3D content is not only present in cinemas  only but also available at our homes in 3D TV. Mainly, there are two types of 3D glasses are prevalent as Active glasses and Passive glasses. Active glasses are more technically complicated
(and as I have warned many times very dangerous to eye health and bad for children) they turn one lens of each eye black while you’re still watching. Whereas passive glasses are more technically advanced, passive glasses are based upon polarization technology which makes these lightweight, trendy and more comfortable for eyes.
New passive Cinema 3D glasses
I wanted to post this brief description of how 3D works as I received many questions about why this 3D is different from the red/blue kind.  So here is a quick and easy way to tell. Don’t buy an active TV it’s that simple if you care about eye health.

1 comment:

  1. I do admire the 3D technology. However, my worry is about the 3D content and 3D glasses complementarity issue. Is there no way to avoid this problem of complementarity?
