17 July, 2011

Cake and its culture

The trend of Cakes on ceremonial occasions in the US is not new but centuries old. Cake is often used in social celebrations of various occasions like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. Countless recipes are found across the country; some are bread-like, some rich and moist and even some are the mixture of cultures.
The first cakes were very different from what we eat today. History of cake tells that ancient Egyptians were the first bakers of cakes, and the modern cake is based on their sweetened breads. In those days cakes were used to celebrate what we think of as strange rituals. Egyptians used to bake cake by using bread, nuts and honey basically. When baking powder and baking soda were came in picture this made the baking process easier.

In the United States, cakes were considered as a symbol of wellbeing by early American cooks. Now the popularity of cakes can be seen as that ‘’cake’’ word has become                                                                                     synonymous of dessert. Varieties of Cakes are found easily on most dessert menus in restaurants around the United States.
Another aspect of Cake is the decoration of cakes. Cake decoration is an amazing art in itself which shows different artistic expressions that reflects their personal taste and style of specific occasion.

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