20 June, 2011

Smoking, makes you realize anything?

Why do you smoke daddy?
This has been the though in my mind since when I grew up. I couldn't understand why my father smoked and why he did not  understand smoking will not only affect him but also us. As I grew up, the thought was killing me from inside and made my affection and love towards him decrease. I was never able to ask my father because he got sick and I was never able to see him again.

Smoking is a word that has spoiled many lives and families. It doesn’t just affect the person who smokes but also spoils the lives of people with him or her by second hand smoking. It does not need a name or title we know if you smoke near your family it will have long lasting health consequences.  

Smoking cigarettes has been strongly linked to ailments such as heart disease, lung cancer, and other respiratory or circulatory diseases. However, there are several other cancers that can be developed due to smoking such as bladder cancer and lung cancer. In fact, bladder cancer affects over 53,000 thousand individuals across the United States.

Each cigarette a person smokes contains more than 4,000 chemicals, 60 of which are highly carcinogenic, 
a substance that can cause cancer. Smoking means exposing oneself to the chemicals like hydrogen cyanide, butane, nicotine, carbolic acid, ammonia, and many other harmful chemicals. As these substances are inhaled, they are absorbed into the lungs and then into the bloodstream. The blood then gets filtered by the kidneys and is incorporated in the urine. These carcinogens damage the urothelial cells that line the bladder walls and cause the development of tumors.

“Smoking kills” and it is not just a phrase, you might smoke because of your personal style, addiction or habit, but it is very important for everyone who smokes they need to be aware they are endangering everyone who lives with them.

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