26 June, 2011

Active 3D TV worse than expected for eye health

3D TV: Great and Risky

We all know that 3D TV is a fad right now and also acquainted with its features offered. But just like any other good garden which may have some weeds, those 3D TVs are known to have health risks, especially to our children.

As taken from one of the manufacturers (Samsung)’ website, entitled “3D TV WARNING”, you’ll find the following warnings:

"Children and teenagers may be more susceptible to health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should be closely supervised when viewing these images."

It is known that children, especially fewer than 10, are in the developmental stages of their eyes. Watching 3D TV may risk their eyesight. The warning’s continued.
This is the bad kind of 3D glasses the kind that require batteries otherwise known as active 3D glasses those made by (Samsung, Sony, some by vizio, and others) Please ask your store which TV sets are active and which are passive. The best rule of thumb is that if the glasses have batteries dont buy the TV set.

"Pregnant women, the elderly, sufferers of serious medical conditions, those who are sleep deprived or under the influence of alcohol should avoid utilizing the unit's 3D functionality."

Even when you’re not drunk, the 3D TV may intoxicate you. Therefore, the TV must not put near the balcony or stairs. It is possible when someone watches 3D TV for couple hours; they might feel a little dizzy and fall down the stairs.

Viewing in 3D may cause disorientation for some viewers. Hence people at risk for a stroke or epileptic seizures must have consulted with their doctor before using this kind of TV.

Dr. Jennifer Madan Cohen is a pediatric neurologist who said that the 3D technology uses at home is different for the theater because it uses active system which turns on and off, sort-of flashes in front of a person's eyes for which causes nausea. She then adds that the main key to minimize the risks is by keeping the lights on and putting some distance between viewers and the TV screen.

So when you buy a 3D TV for your family, please buy one that uses passive Cinema 3D technology like those made by LG. These have none of the effects caused by the active TVs though it is still advised you take a break every few hours or so for a few minutes. 

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