16 September, 2011

Unusual birthday gift

It was my brother-in-law, Tod’s birthday a couple days ago and we’re having a birthday dinner tonight. We asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he asked for a pair of 3D glasses. I thought he was joking because they’re less than $10 or you can even get one for free at movie theaters. But then I realized that he doesn’t have LG 3D TV like us but has an active 3D set from Samsung. Whenever he comes over, he would drool over our LG Cinema 3D and joke about exchanging his Samsung 3D TV with ours. He said he was only able to get 1 pair of 3D glasses because it was too expensive. He has two kids and when they take turns watching 3D, the battery wears out very quickly and by the time he tries to watch anything 3D, the flickers annoy him.
A pair or 3D glasses seem like an unusual birthday gift but he needs them the most so we got a pair of Samsung rechargeable 3D glasses for $130 at BestBuy. I think that’s just way too expensive for a 3D accessory. I still don’t understand why active 3D sets don’t include the glasses when people pay so much money for the TV and the glasses are necessary to watch 3D. We also got a “Tangled” video so Jess and Ryan (his kids) can watch the movie TOGETHER now. This made me think that it’s good that we got a LG 3D TV because now I can ask for better and prettier things for my birthday J

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