14 September, 2011

Passive 3D TVs ARE actually better than active 3D TVs!

I read an interesting article on passive 3D TV being better than active 3D TV. Apparently a guy named Raymond Soneira (I did a little more research on him and he turns out to be the president of DisplayMate Technologies Corporation) conducted a study to compare the two types of 3D TVs—active and passive—available now. He tested LG Cinema 3D TV 47LW6500 and Vizio E3D470VX for the passive and Samsung UN46D7000 and Sony KDL 46HX729 for the active. His findings show that images on passive 3D TVs are superior to the images on active 3D TVs. He has a lot of evidences from observations.  
I bought LG Cinema 3D TV because it’s a passive 3D TV, which has less flickers and puts less stress on the eyes. Comfort while watching 3D was my main concern because I knew that my kids will watch this TV mostly to watch 3D movies while my husband and I will mostly watch regular 2D contents. Honestly, I didn’t notice any difference in image quality between LG passive 3D TV and Samsung active 3D TV but I did hear some people saying that active 3D TVs have higher image quality. Now that a formal comparison study has been done to prove that passive 3D TVs have better images compared to active 3D TVs, I really don’t see a reason to choose an active 3D TV over a passive 3D TV. My neighbor wanted to buy a 3D TV and they have kids too. I recommended LG Cinema 3D TV and they are very happy with their purchase. Before this study, I was kind of hesitant to recommend this TV to anyone who wants really high quality images and are less concerned about the side effects but now I would definitely recommend LG 3D TV whether the image quality or comfort is the main concern.
If anyone wants to read the article:

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