25 August, 2011

Exciting news on 3D TV: LW6500 is upgraded to be even better

I have some exciting news for LG LW6500 owners (that includes myself) and those who are interested in 3D LED TVs. LG just announced that they’ve made an update to the Cinema 3D technology used in the LW series to improve 3D picture quality and resolution. Some popular review sites were being skeptical about this so FlatpanelsHD (http://www.flatpanelshd.com/) decided to put LG to the test. I am not affiliated in this review site in any way, so I’ll just post their reviews as a quote. 

We tested LG’s LW6500 earlier this year but LG recently made some improvements to their 3D system and software to improve 3D picture quality and Cinema 3D was also recently awarded a Full HD 3D Certified by a German institute”.

Before the Cinema 3D technology worked like this: During a time period of 1/200 seconds the TV showed 2 frames; 540 lines for the left eye and 540 lines for the right eye.
The new algorithm shows 4 frames instead of 2 during the 1/200 second time frame. It shows 1080i for the left eye and 1080i for the right eye.  When these are combined the two pictures create a 1080p picture according to LG. LG believes that this update improves picture quality on their Cinema 3D TVs to compete directly with the active 3D TVs such as 3D plasma TVs”.

There’s been a heated debate between active and passive 3D but through this update, LG has seemed to solidify its claim that image quality isn’t sacrificed in comparison to Shutter Glass technology (active). As a mother of young children, their eye health is what I’m most concerned about when they’re watching 3D movies and that’s why I got a passive TV. I thought the image quality was good but now that it’s even more certain that LG Cinema 3D will give us superior image quality, I feel more comfortable about 3D TV.   


1 comment:

  1. This TV seems nice but I've seen another model at a different blog somewhere about the LW9800. LG has been releasing some pretty darn good TVs as of late.
